July, 2024; Issue# 02 Newsletter


From the Editor's Desk


Workshop on Brahmi Script Begins

More than sixty participants from the USA, China, Thailand, and India have joined the 15-day workshop on Brahmi Script started by ISJS on July 30, 2024...

Selection Process in Progress for the 5th Bhagwan Mahavira Prakrit Fellowship 2024-25

ISJS received an overwhelming response for the 5 th Bhagwan Mahavira Prakrit Fellowship program 2024-25 where the fellows will get to study Prakrit for nine months for an in-depth understanding of the ancient Indian language which is also a chief language of Jain canonical literature...

ISSJS.2024 Glimpses

ISSJS.2024 Concludes

The iconic Summer School by ISJS concluded on July 21, 2024, and the participants left for their respective homes with insightful knowledge and beautiful memories...



ISJS invites research papers for its upcoming issues...


Speak Up article on Sustainability Through Jainism

This section allows our readers to share their thoughts on Jainism and invites original articles from Jain professionals, practitioners, students, and scholars of Jainism. You can send your articles/write-ups/opinions in a Word file to us at info@isjs.in...

E-mail: info@isjs.in ; Website: www.isjs.in

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