Speak Up article on Sustainability Through Jainism

This section allows our readers to share their thoughts on Jainism and invites original articles from Jain professionals, practitioners, students, and scholars of Jainism. You can send your articles/write-ups/opinions in a Word file to us at info@isjs.in.

In this issue, we have an article in English titled Sustainability Through Jainism by Er. (Dr.) Prakash Barjatia. Dr. Barjatia is a patron of the Jain Engineers’ Society, Indore.

The article defines sustainability in simple terms and addresses the issue from the perspective of Jainism. Drawing from the Jain principles, the article also gives reasoning for vegetarianism to save the environment.

The facts and the views expressed in the article are those of the author only. The email address of the author is pbarjatia@gmail.com.. A reader may send their questions or comments to the author directly.

Click here to read the write-up

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