Online Monthly Lecture on the Application of Anekantvad

The 14th lecture in the online monthly lecture series by ISJS is to be delivered by Dr. Shugan C. Jain on the Application of Anekantavad to Enhance Wellness in Life on March 23, 2024. Dr. Jain is the Founder and President of ISJS. He has a PhD in Jainology and promotes Jain and Prakrit studies in global universities. He has delivered a number of lectures on nonviolence and Jain values in different institutions in India and abroad and has authored several papers and books on different aspects of Jain philosophy, ethics, history and culture, community, and application to resolve today's global issues.

The lecture will throw light upon the implementation of Anekantavad and its relevance in day-to-day life.

The session will be chaired by Dr. Narendra Kumar Bhandari. Dr. Bhandari is the Founder-President of the Jain Academy of Scholars, Science and Spiritual Research Institute, Ahmedabad, and former Chair of the Planetary Science and Exploration Program, Indian Space Research Organisation. He is a distinguished scholar of Jain philosophy and has published several books and papers on Jainism and science.

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