The 19th lecture in the online lecture series by ISJS is to be delivered by Dr. Rekha Jain on the Contributions of Jainism to Ayurveda on Monday, February 24, 2025.

Dr. Rekha Jain is MD in Ayurveda from the University of Pune. She has been a Professor and Head of the Department of Rognidan at the University of Pune and presently serves as an advisor to Purnayu Ayurved Hospital and Research University, Jabalpur. Her PhD thesis, titled "Contributions of Jainism to Ayurveda," has been published by The United States Library of Congress in Washington. A prolific writer, Dr. Jain has published several books and papers and has translated numerous Jain books into Marathi.

The lecture sheds light on Ayurvedic knowledge and its intersection with Jain principles as various Jain acharyas have composed literature on the nonviolent practice of medicine. Where Pushpayurveda highlights using sterile flowers for medicinal purposes, Rasashastra explores metal-based remedies. The lecture also discusses the Jain followers who have supported Ayurveda through donations to Ayurvedic institutions, ensuring its growth and continuity.

The lecture will be chaired by the Founder and President of ISJS Dr. Shugan C. Jain. BE, MS, MA, and PhD, Dr. Jain has worked as a Management and Information Technology consultant and entrepreneur in the USA, the Netherlands, and India. By founding ISJS, he introduced academic studies of Jainism and Prakrit in global universities. He has delivered several lectures on Jain values and has published various books and research papers on Jainism.

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