ISJS invites applications for its 6th batch of the nine-month Bhagwan Mahavira Prakrit Fellowship program, which will start in September 2025.

Individuals holding a doctorate, postgraduate, or graduate degree in Philosophy, History, Indology, Languages, Linguistics, or Religious Studies from any institution worldwide are eligible to enroll in this course. Preference may be given to applicants with knowledge of Jain studies, Hindi, Sanskrit, and Prakrit. The medium of instruction for this course will be English, employing Roman transliteration and English equivalents for Sanskrit and Hindi terms.

The outline of the teaching content is:
This program is generously subsidized by ISJS and JAFNA to attract the finest talents. Fellowships are awarded to the most outstanding and competent candidates to cover the costs of boarding, lodging, and study materials. This is a residential program that will take place at the ISJS campus in Pune, India.

The application deadline is May 20, 2025.

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