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Jai Jinendra!

The International School for Jain Studies ‘ISJS’ rejoices in all the aspects of studying Jain tradition, culture, history, art, and philosophy and aims to spread the word at every corner of the globe. ISJS has announced its iconic International Summer School for Jain Studies which will run for five weeks, beginning on June 17, 2025, marking its 20th edition. It is a residential and experiential program that allows the participants to closely observe the Jain practices.

ISJS has also announced another year of the nine-month-long Bhagwan Mahavira Prakrit Fellowship program which will start in September 2025. This is an extraordinary course that teaches Hemachandra’s 12th -century text on Prakrit grammar extensively and equips the participants with a deep understanding and practical knowledge of Prakrit language and literature, enabling them to explore and appreciate the rich cultural heritage of Jain texts.

Apabhramsa as a one-month online course for Hindi speakers is a new venture by ISJS which will begin from April 3, 2025.

Come one, come all, and resonate with the idea of ISJS of indulging in the experiential learning of the Jain way of life through observing the Jains practicing Jain ideologies and doctrines, as well as by learning the languages of the Jain scriptures!

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