ISJS releases the quarterly issue of its online research journal ISJS-
Transactions for October-December 2023. The issue includes three research
papers and a book review. The contents of the journal include three papers
and two book reviews:
Samanara Dharma in Thirukkural by L Ashok
Syadvada and Saptabhanga: Conditional Dialectic Expression of
Anekanta by K. C. Sogani
Paravara and Golapurava: Two Major Jain Castes of Bundelkhand by
Prakash C. Jain
Jain Nyaya Pradipika written by Veer Sagar Jain and reviewed by
Pragya Jain
Jain Darshan: Philosophy and Code of Conduct written by Sanjeev
Doshi and reviewed by Joanna Flynn
ISJS invites research papers for its upcoming issues. The journal is open for
scholars/researchers/faculty members for their research papers on various
aspects of Jainology, viz. philosophy, philology, culture, religion, history,
archaeology, art and architecture, science, and many more. Research papers
can be sent to or